I was standing on the pavement
Trying to cross the street
Behind me a music shop was playing Beethoven’s 9th symphony
Ahead of me a stray dog was being run over by a car.
Tears streamed down my face
And a passer-by patted me on the back
Appreciating my concern
And passed on, before I could tell him
That it was the music that made me cry.
I know you’re judging me now
I know in spite of your best efforts,
You can’t find anything redeeming about my admission.
How could I value art above life?
It is not always that simple, or that simplistic.
Sometimes excellence moves me more than incidence
And human genius overwhelms me more than human folly
I swoon over what I can interpret
And only brood over what I cannot .
Tears flow more freely when I am experiencing a joyous
letting go
If that is a fault, I wear it proudly.
And so there I was, in the middle of a mundane day –
Shedding cathartic tears for a work of art that cleansed my
*** Written by Shouquot Hussain ***
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