Motivational Quotes

Life is meant to be lived purposefully. In doing that, we are not to merely live to be successful and remembered but to live preparing ourselves for eternity by adding meaning to humanity..~Jacobs A.
Don't be satisfied and comfortable with being a stranger in your own reality just because you are afraid of criticisms and condemnations from people. Don't just exist, live your purpose!..~Jacobs A.
"One great danger in having a huge aspiration is that you could wake up one day and realize that all you have been looking for, are the very things you already have."
Weaknesses help you identify what you need to revamp, adjust and correct in your life. But they don't necessarily determine the height of your accomplishment, if you are keen to improve on them and not forsaking your strengths in the process..~Jacobs A.
Sometimes, you don't need more of what you already have to be what you want to be and get to where you want to get..~Jacobs A.
Always make daily deposit in the bank of your destiny. And you do that by living right here and now to better humanity with gladness of heart and a sense of purpose..~Jacobs A.
Our realities start from our imaginations. If we can get it all wrongly figured out in our minds, nothing will ever seem right before our eyes..~Jacobs A.
You will always be miserable when you spend your whole life looking for something you already have. If you must search, start from within..~Jacobs A.
Nothing is more beautiful than for you to be happy with your life!
The true test of your strength is not by merely winning all of your life's battles. When you go through tough circumstances and seeing every reason to quit but you just won't, that is strength!..~Jacobs A.
Life is made up of two powerful seeds, only one can you plant- love or greed- and all that comes afterwards are their by-products- pain or pleasure, celebration or calamity. Which have you been planting in your life and in that of others?
God gave us everything we could possibly need in life but not a back sight, that we may always let go of the past, forge ahead to greatness and not backward.
Don't try to always control other people's behaviours that don't seem pleasant to you . Instead, be caring and concerned enough to help them readjust and renew their thinking..~Jacobs A.
Those who always wait for someone or something to push them to act in line with their purpose may never achieve anything great in their lives..~Jacobs A.
“Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is important that we know how to harness and control this great force.”-Irvin Berlin.
Whoever anticipates the future with the mind of the past would end up being sorry to have seen the future pass by without knowing...~Jacobs A.
You may lose everything and anything but you cant afford to lose yourself for anything. For a point will come in your life where all that will matter is to have your whole being in one peace just so you may get the happiness you truly deserve.~Jacobs A.
You will always derive greater joy in your life when you become useful to yourself, to those around you and to your generation..~Jacobs A.
Don't let the lives of others be your yardstick for excellence and growth. You are always unique in your own way..~Jacobs A.
It is not about how long we live but about how fulfilled we can get in the short time we have to live..~Jacobs A.


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