In Between The Red Sea

With trees unease,
Birds are troubled;
Such is the snag with snaky breeze
In our terrain amity lays crumbled

By the vanity of actions
Of 'ogas' at the top,
Pillaging 'wazobia' currencies among factions
Remorseless sighting their subjects savoring bad bop

Compromised is the future,
Tots faint from hunger in every street,
Surviving under insufferable infrastructure
Offered by heartless heads on government seat

And in between this red sea,
Banes and bust bones we see behind,
And desire to be free
From falling till the land of promise we find

Thus, we plead intercession
For a nation reposing on grenade
Sowed by Beelzebub in dispassion
Towards masses languishing without aid

*Wazobia Currency=a term used for Nigeria Currency.
*Ogas=a term used for leaders


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