Once Upon A Thief

I was engrossed in roadside barter,
To get for dinner Titus, spices and ‘ata’,
Suddenly was the alarm,
Ole! Ole! What was the crime?
Out of curiosity, I peered;
Who wouldn’t anyway? I peered,
Awaiting the revelation of the notorious celebrity,
To steal a shameful stare at stupidity.
Then came he with crazy celerity,
Memory failed me to place his identity;
Come a little closer (soliloquy),
Perhaps, I could conjure your story;
Such hapless juvenile; why wasn’t he in school
That he chose to become an illicit tool?
What a rapt rabble,
Trailing the lad to grapple
Him in stifling shackles
For the roused troubles;
He was caught,
Machetes were raised; he was cut
And none come to the rescue
As cold onlookers were gratified with the vicious view
He wasn’t from Nazareth,
Why wickedly take his breath?
I had pleaded the rabble mercy,
I went unnoticed like a pin thrown into the sea;
The lad was curled with tyre,
To be burnt and killed by fire;
One mad man poured on him petrol,
Lit a match; what sorrow I saw roll
And he was burning, screeching, dying;
I could do nothing; all was watching,
And so his blood won’t be on my head,
I completed the barter and left the scene in dread
What a way a Juvenile life was ended;
You ask: couldn’t he have been reprimanded?
He was once upon a thief,
And in such mutilation the rabble found relief.

*Ata= a Yoruba word meaning pepper
*Ole= a Yoruba word shouted to mean thief


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