Homeless Not Hopeless

We are the natives of the street
Holed-up under bridges
We are necessary
We are part of your existence
Major fragments of the globe
As the day chameleons to night
You slump in the warmth of your beds
And the heat of loved ones
We also embrace the cozy
Cardboard beds laid on stinks
As the night injects us with cool breeze and endurance
We sleep and dream
And have conferences with
The indigenes of the elusive world
When it’s day, in bundles
We pack our belongings
And move on with our days
Standing, kneeling, and bending
To beg for alms just for the day
Necessary part of our society
Translators of your dreams
Carriers of your burdens
Angels. We open gates of your blessings
We are the lack that takes your lack
We are homeless, not hopeless
This makes us riled at hereafter
When death opens the gate to the second phase

===by Jerry Agada ===


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