When Fathers Fail

When fathers fail
Homes run out of enchanting quietude and harmony
Broods are set to derail
With each day bolstering omens of apathy and agony

When fathers fail
All days are entrapped by scrimmages
Entangling hapless mothers and wives seeking to bail
In a realm of deprivation, assault and much damages

When fathers fail
Paternity remains abashed and dead of grace;
Living as a family becomes a futile ambition meant to fail
With all there is to see are emblems of shame and disgrace
All around us are seeds of sins of commission and omission
Gutted and floundering in abject dereliction.
All around us are youngsters enslaved by alcohol, drugs and vices
But beneath their furies and moans are abuses from failed fathers;
Negligent and guilty to have breached a covenant by saying “I do” at the altar

Parents have reneged on their responsibilities to their progenies,
Mothers are frail. Fathers have failed with their minds caged
By love of money, power and unnecessary lust
When life itself is all vanity and striving after dust

Around us are the iniquities of our fathers
To have made hauteur a sovereign head and a ruler,
To have taken the past with levity,
To have chocked full the present with enmity,
Spawning the proliferation of single motherhood
And perhaps, the future will awaken them to the acrid reality they have created.

When fathers fail
A generation is set for destruction in the shackles of despondency.
Though “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…”
May the Lord not forsake us in such time as this,
Where divorce and broken marriage vows become ubiquitous,
And fathers in dire need for resuscitation and clemency


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