Tomorow May Never Come

Perhaps, tomorrow may never come
As jittery tongues wag and nag
Scarring the mild ether of now in times like this
In times when savages wear the tiaras of power
Clothed in despotism and malevolence.
In times like this, spittle of repulsion is set free
Worrisome squeals of disgruntlement
Gush out of dampened alimentary canals of those
Despoiled, exploited and beleaguered.
Every nook is infected
Down with one doleful lurgy or another
And nothing seems right in times like this
At least, not for now
When those with ages of score and above and below
Delight in the flamboyance of conceit made valid by proponents of in-humanness.
Day in, day out
Breeds nothing near change
For this distressing travesty of humanity to thrive.
When the moon and the stars cease to slumber in dark skies
Lips know no respite
Exchanging tales of terror not far-fetched
Made manifest by yesteryear’s ordeals
And not a home is left behind in this querulous public sphere
Where the heart of the matter routs the matter of the heart.
Worst still, is how feet waddle and stumble in the streets of survival
With ardor and emotions turning effete
In a haste to catch up with this pandemic emptiness
That has overtaken us all.
Alas! Light of day ensnares sprogs to be done for
With twilight fraught with grimaces
As venomous rehearsals of midnight gentlemen become ubiquitous
Inspiring awful blubbering and humongous ire
In eyes already known to depredation and mayhem.
Perhaps, tomorrow may never come
When we shall behold this plague no more
For all to exhale ease and repose in relief
That these ominous incubuses of dismay may rot in oblivion.
Perhaps, tomorrow may never come
When streams of hope will flourish
Dissipating the pervasive slaying thirst for life and amity
Born of the sway of poverty and dearth of spunk.
Tomorrow may never come
When opportunities will be as rife as morning glory
Pleading not to be expunged by souls with aspirations
As titanic as the mammalian sea giant.
Perhaps, tomorrow may never come
As we so dread the thoughts of not beholding the terminus of now in misery
Awaiting deified ransom of our souls from the way of heinousness
Our rash feet have treaded
Forestalling that those after us may forsake this path
That has made times like this whammy
Depicting treachery, peril and hampering tomorrow’s birth.
Perhaps, tomorrow may never come
When the womb of dawn will beget providence
Emitting rays of glee, not gloominess
For the ecowarriors among us recline in ignominy
With teeth made to gnash and left to starve in helplessness.
Unity seeks to reign
Though hope is said to wane,
In times like this
When not anymore do we understand the music of love.
Folks bask in the uncertainty of moments
Tormented by memories of old;
The young, the old,
Both derive mad mirth from the festivity of mediocrity
And perhaps, tomorrow may never come
When we shall behold these whammy times no more.
Day in, day out
Breeds nothing near change
For this disturbing charade to thrive
The rights of the weak have been afflicted
Destitute wander about with darkness in their hearts
Salvation declines sprouting forth
In our lands of passivity and purgatory
Where faith bows to famine
And there is yet to be someone to revive us
With an antidote for our grievances and groaning.
‘Our days are like evening shadow’
Wilting away like grass and mist
We live with broken guts
Pieces of shattered dreams hover around;
I hear a revolution weighty with overhaul looms
But not a single place is yet secure.
‘Messed up’ seems like an irony
In comparison of the glitch we endure in times like this.
Our bones languish in the corridors of pity
On the awakened realization
To have failed being the best of humans
We were meant to be to one another.
Perhaps, tomorrow may never come
Living will indeed take its course
But who knows what will happen after all?


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