You were the warden angel overly watching
When no one cared whether I fail or fall
Cheering me in times I had to crawl
Leading me in the path of discipline and wisdom
That I may soar beyond the turpitude of humanity
To the peak of greatness, solace and unsullied
You threw smugness to the wind
Nurturing me through the night and the day
Anticipating with eagerness to see me grow
From yesterday’s little limping lass that I was
Into a fine, refined and reformed woman that I am.
Embedded in your sympathetic stares and wide embraces
Were the feelings of soothing relief formed,
Knowing that someone got me covered
Even when things could possibly go wrong.
I can never repay you enough
For being a father, mentor and a role model that you
A bequest so rare, few are privileged to possess
You unconditionally gave- your love
Encompassing the possibility of a family and a home
to call my own.
Times and times over have I no doubt
When you promised to never leave;
And to have loved our mum with such passion
Is worth calling you the best dad in the world.
Your counsels, your guide
Your affections and the beauteous moments shared
Make every day with you memorable
Hence, propelling the embers of my aspirations and
enchanting dreams.
Thank you dad!
For being there when my emotions were at the orb of
For the unequivocal leeway to prove the potency of
my capabilities
For being the light in my dark days
And for shielding my future in every way and always.
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