Your Time Is Your Life

What is it you are doing right this moment? If it contributes not to the development of who you are, who you want to be and to others, you are simply wasting your time and your life is at stake.
If asked what the best gift is that I can ever give to anyone, I would say “My Time”. It is a valuable gift that whenever you give it to someone, you consciously and unconsciously give away a part of your life you can never get back.
Rick Warren said: “When you give someone your time, you give them a portion of your life that you’ll never get back. The greatest gift you can give someone is your time.” How you use your time, not only say more of who you are, but reveal the direction of your life.
Whenever you give your time to something worth the weight, you are sacrificing your life for a greater course. Your time is your most precious asset on earth and how you optimize it goes a long way to determine your life’s destination.
However, it all starts from the mind. When your mind is disoriented with lots of irrelevances and frivolities, you will never be productive with your use of time. This demands you pay close attention to what you spend your time on and focus your mind on attaining the purpose of your life.
What you spend your time on becomes a part of your life and affects your destiny. Your destiny should be paramount in your heart and how you use your time, sows positively or negatively on the manifestations of your destiny.
“You can make more money but you can’t make more time,” were the words of Rick Warren. The importance of things can be measure by how much time we are willing to invest in them and whatever doesn’t add value to your life, is not worth much of your time.
You may not be able to go back in time to correct what has been done in the past, but you have ‘now’ to think on how well your time can be utilized to shape the future you would love to see and partake in.
In The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren said, “the essence of life is love and the essence of love is not what we think, or do or provide for others, but how much we give of ourselves” and importantly, how we use our time.
Successful people are those who have used their time resourcefully in the pursuit of their dreams. And those who discover early that time waits for no one and values it enough to do something meaningful with it, go ahead to succeed and excel in their endeavors.
In the place of achieving one’s goal, many find it easy to procrastinate and as a result, waste the precious time needed for them to improve and better their circumstances. Some are so lazy that they want everything to be done for them, only to end up dejected and frustrated with their lives.
Sometimes, when you have nothing to live on, the prudent use of your time can provide you with something to live for. Having something to live for will passionately motivate you to toil hard for what to live on.
I don’t say you stop doing what makes you happy. In whatever activity or event you find yourself spending your time on, always seek to learn and gain something that would add value to your life. Remember, the key point here is “adding value to your life based on how well and how prudent you use your time.”
By placing value on your time, you place value on your life. By placing value on your life, you stand a chance to achieve your goals. And to every goal achieved, your destiny or purpose in life gradually approaches the height of fulfillment.
Now is the best time to evaluate how you have been using your time and where your life is heading to. You have one life to live and if at all you are not privileged to see tomorrow, will you be proud of how well you have used your time on earth?
Your time is your life. Value it!


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