Something To Think About

The world that we are living in today
Could possibly not be here tomorrow
And those who doubt God’s warning
Could soon be wallowing in sorrow

The bible says that only God knows exactly
What day His wrath will ravage the earth
And believers that know His saving Grace
Know exactly how much that day is worth

God warned us in the New Covenant of wars
Rumors of wars earthquakes floods and such
If you do not see theses things happening now
I believe that you are completely out of touch

I did not say that it was imminent
Obviously God will make that call
We know about yesterday and today
But not if tomorrow He will end it all

Your life on earth will be not be a pleasant one
When God finally chooses to show His Wrath
If you are searching for a way out of this dilemma
I can tell you that it is by following in God’s Path

The only way to do this is by professing that
Yeshua is the Messiah and is your Salvation
And for the forgiveness of your sin for you to
Enter God’s Kingdom with joy and jubilation

I can not make this decision for you but
I have pointed out what you need to do
Surely you don’t want to befriend satan
But God has left that decision up to you

== by Joel G. Steinhauer ==


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