Courage and Life

From my point of view, there is little to do
Because the demands of courage have little boundaries
He who walks into danger and does not care what happens is brave, but
He who walks in without fear is crazy
To be afraid is human, but being too scared to live life is dying early
The greatest secret of our “heroes” is that they fear death
And their biggest prize is conquering it and gaining rebirth

Our imagination gives us many wants while our fear limits our actions
Leaving us on a constant plane of reactions
Until the doors of death come knocking and we look back in sorrow
At the adventures forgone and the years we now wish we could re-borrow
So is the peril of life which is given but not secured….

With no knowledge of when we expire
Our reality is placed in the present, our past in memories, and our future in imagination
Hesitation in the present becomes a torturous link to the past
While the willingness to act opens up great doors in the future!

==Babatunde Akin-Olugbade ==


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