If People Didn't Judge

If people didn't judge,
Everyone would see,
Just how wonderful every person is,

If people didn't judge,
Everyone would see,
That there are no bad people...just misunderstood,

If people didn't judge,
Everyone would see,
That everyone has good intentions no one wants hurt or pain especially for other people,

If people didn't judge,
Everyone would see,
That every person is beautiful,

If people didn't judge,
Everyone would see,
That we all could be friends,

If people didn't judge,
Everyone would see,
How great life really is,

If people didn't judge,
Everyone would see,
That beyond clothes, appearances, religions, poverty, and races... there's a person much like themselves,

If people didn't judge,
Everyone would see,
That they don't really hate anyone
That "that hate" is just a judgment or past assumption,

If people didn't judge,
Everyone would see,
That everyone feels pain in one way or another,

But people do judge,
And only few people see,
That because of this war, racism, hate and so much more became to be,

People do judge,
And I admit so do I,
But if we could look past that judgment,
We would see that a world without judgment,
Is a heaven of our own.

------Unknown Author-----


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