A Borrowed Life

Be it borrowed or yours,
Living a life has never been easy;
Those that have life can testify.
Life is not a concert,
Where you always get the best of melodies.
Sometimes, its tone offers malaise,
Other times, it engenders solace.
When you choose to quit living,
Your life’s essence comes to a halt
But time never stops
Until your lifelines become your deadline.
Your life’s genesis starts with a mission,
The onus lies on you to create a vision;
To choose not a knotty kismet,
When you become the catalyst for all the events
That occur in your life.
When you incisively evaluate your life,
You would be amazed on how complete it is;
Knowing all you had ever wanted
Are those things you already have.
The conundrums of life are best figured out
By those who know themselves,
Know who they are,
And those who love themselves for who they are.
Yet again, I ask:
Why allow your reactive emotions
And opinions of those around you
To dictate your journey through life?
There is no question of life about your life
You can’t provide answers to.
When you feel your life is missing something,
The void can only be filled by transforming how you see the world
Or through the actions you take
And the choices you make.
Without your consent,
Nothing can deprive you of happiness
But by disowning parts of yourself
To be like someone else in the eyes of discontentment,
You forsake your personality and lose your identity.
It only gets worse,
When you fail to see the good in your predicaments.
Why crave to be successful,
When you are already a success?
Surmounting every nightmare to keep your dreams alive,
Challenging every obstacle to keep your heart beating,
Enduring every disdain to salvage your impetus;
What more defines success than overcoming death every day?
When in doubt about your purpose,
Set yourself free of your present fears
And though we all have weaknesses,
You can choose to see beyond them
By focusing on your inner strengths.
You can conquer almost any fear in your mind
When you truly make up your mind
To go the extra mile for your fulfillment and happiness’ sake.
Many are just living,
Some are really giving meaning to living
And to determine where you belong,
Try to count how many lives you have saved,
Try to measure how many people you have helped,
Try to evaluate how many souls you have added value to
And if the first person on the list is not you,
Then, you might as well be living “a borrowed life”.


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