Why Let Someone Push You In...?"

Do you see a person
Nurturing parkison's disease?
That person is full of fears,
Thinking he/she has nothing to live for.
Fear dwindles the spark of our potentials
Making us feeble and timid
That we cant discover the greatness within.

"A king wanted to give his daughter out in marriage to any man who could swim across a river full of crocodiles. When suitors of alluring chaps heard the condition for marrying the princess, they were discouraged and gave up hope on getting to the river. But as they were about leaving, one of the suitors fell into the river and in a desperate and dire need to save his life from the terror of crocodiles, he swam very fast and fortunately scaled therough to the other side of the river.
When he came out unhurt, the king congratulated him for his "bravery" and for qualifying to be his in-law. In response, the young man requested to see who pushed him into the river. This means he did not intend to make a trial but because someone pushed him into the river, in order to save himself, he exerted all his might and did what he thought he could not do."

We all have potentials in us
But fear fetters us from taking a bold step;
A bold step to happiness,
A bold step to fulfillment,
A bold step to have a life
We had always wanted.
Don't wait for someone to push you into
The river between you and your destiny.
The least that could happen
Is to lose your life while trying
And you would have lived a great person,
A role model, mentor and a motivator.
Decide within you to take that bold step
And dare to do the impossible.
We all have fears
But the best among us,
Those you see up high, tall and proud,
Saw fear as a catalyst
That dared the potential greatness in them.
Dare to do the impossible
And let no one push you in....
You can do it,
Only if you try to kill your fears
Before your fears start to kill you.


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