“The Essence of Love”….. By Lanre Olagunju

During the 17th Century, Emperor Fredrick wanted to bring to assertiveness one of his mind boggling observations on the significance of love. So, he carried out an experiment that was later discovered to be an expensive one. He gave an order to nurses and baby sitters that they shouldn’t express any form of love or affection to some selected infants, though they were permitted to feed them, change their diapers and do all other necessary things apart from expressing love in any form of touch, warmth, cuddling, care and communication.
To the utmost surprise of the monarch and the midwives, all the babies died. This makes it clear that love is the foundation on which our world operates; with the outcome of this experiment, it becomes obvious that love is vital for existence and survival. Love is one of those indefinable reasons why we stay alive. Love is such an overwhelming that can’t really be expressed in words alone. Or how do we explain the case of those infants whose death wasn’t as a result of starvation, chronic disease, but due to the absence of expressive affection in form of touching, cuddling and care.
It will always be difficult to present what one does not possess. Our outward expression is always dominated by the abundance that exists inside. The major reason why we find it difficult most times to love the way we should is probably because we weren’t shown adequate love and affection while growing up. Let’s imagine that one of the babies used for the experiment survived, such can’t give what he never had. For instance, it has been psychologically proven that the reason why a lot of female recognize touch as a love language is mostly because a female ward receives more touches, cuddling, hugs and warm embraces while growing up, compared to the male. The male in contrast will rather be given a pat at the back, a hand shake, knuckle jab, a show of thumb or at times, a slight blow to express excitement.
If you weren’t shown enough acceptance and love, you may not have control over that but you are saddled with the responsibility of nurturing yourself because until we genuinely love and appreciate our being and individuality, appreciating others would only remain an excruciating task. When you don’t see anything good about yourself, how would you see positivity in others? When you don’t say positive things to yourself, how would you ever encourage others? After all, the love rule is to “love your neighbor the same measure you love yourself”.
It’s absolutely erroneous to think that absence of facial beauty or any kind of deformity would affect others perception of us, rather, it’s our inner beauty and sincerity towards others that showcase who we really are. Most times, we think that when we look better, we would be more accepted; hence we begin to major in minor and minor in major which is inner beauty and self acceptance. It doesn’t really work like that, the truth is that you look and become more beautiful when you genuinely accept yourself, love and care for others. To love at times make us look vulnerable and stupid because to love is to give and to forgive, to appreciate others, love is bearing others unlikeable behavior with patience and to keep hope alive.
One could give with ulterior motives without any iota of love, but it is practically impossible to love without giving. The “every man for himself God for us all mentality” should be buried if we must succeed collectively as a nation. It is a pity that selfishness and greed has become a national culture in our country which shouldn’t be. When we begin to love genuinely, the need to be apprehensive of the future wouldn’t arise since positive investment has been made in others. Most times, the things we lack are the things we never gave. After all, we only reap that which we sow.
Love is always willing to wait instead of demanding, love keeps on being friendly to those who aren’t friendly, love doesn’t boast about your good grades and qualification, love admits when he is wrong and shuts up when he is right. Love doesn’t think you are better than others because your clothes or phone is more expensive, love lets others have their own turn talking; it never puts others down by acting as if they don’t count. Love never feels killing innocent people for political power is cool, love keeps hoping when the right choices you made turn out the way you wanted.


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