Effigy Of Perfection

You were sweet
And filled with joy;
You shrink
Because they think you are no good and timorous,
Then you crave for a life
Not meant to be yours,
Paragons we aren't,
So just choose to live-
To live your life
As it is meant to be lived.
Some reach to fall,
Others fall to reach,
Yet the world still tittle-tattle about them.
You have to own yourself
To know yourself;
Don't see yourself as hollow,
Else, the route of depression you will follow.
Why are you somber?
Why do you feel it is over?
Who tagged you as sissy?
Such people are envious and not at ease,
For they know what could be attained
If you make that choice.
The choice to live through it all,
The choice to never give up
Even when hope forsakes others,
And the choice to say to yourself:
If i can think it,
I can do it.
Life has never been easy
Like a complicated quest fiendish in nature,
Yet in the heart of history,
Lies the memories of those that walked the majestic walk
On the sand of time
With footprints of perseverance,endurance and integrity.
This is not a cushy cyanide in words
To efface one's fiasco,
Besides,no one is a fiasco
If only we chose not to be one.
Again and again,
We may stumble in debilitation,
But we can get up dauntlessly to dazzle the world.
Let no circumstance make you crazy,
Let no travail make you lazy,
Panic not about tomorrow;
For days of struggling to get ahead,
Days of battling depression and disappointment,
Days of tizzy and worries,
Soon, will be all in the past,
If and only if
You choose to stay alive and live a life
Rather than striving to live a lie.
In the race of life,
Swiftly, others may pass you by,
....but time and chance happen to us all.
No one is an effigy of perfection,
You can choose psychological liberation
Instead of life's derisive and perilous detention of souls.
Paragons we aren't,
For no one is an effigy of perfection,
Just live and stay alive
If not for anything or anyone,
Do it for yourself
And someday, the world will celebrate you,
Then will you realize that
The only person between you and your happiness and fulfillment
Is no other but YOU.


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