Inspirational Quotes

It is never over in life until you either win or you are defeated........Jacobs A.
It is not all what you desire,you must aspire to get.They may all be good as they seem but not all can truly grant you fulfillment & joy.......Jacobs A.
Though nobody likes a loser but greatness is being coined & carved from the crucible of failure & loss.By igniting the spirit of hope in others,you can impregnate the world with change in a positive light.....Jacobs A.
One of the beauty about true love is that its fire never dwindles & its radiation is very much conspicuous...Jacobs A.
You really can't give what you don't have but by desiring what you can't give,you tend to multiple the chances of anguish in your life....Jacobs A.
The past will always remain in the past because its gone except you want it back,which is not advisable.The future is yet to come,so worry less but the best time of your life is right now in the present.Make use of your time in felicitating on how far you have come & enjoy each moment of your life,for every second counts....Jacobs A.
It is never right to do what is wrong & it is never wrong to do what is right.What is right or wrong is subject to our conscience.We all have conscience but many fail to adhere & admit its existence.....Jacobs A.
"Many people don't allow themselves to love...because there are a lot of things at risk a lot of future and a lot of past."— Paulo Coelho (Veronika Decides to Die)
Though you may fall over & over again but as long as you can optimize your hope to doubt your doubts,you will never be defeated....Jacobs A.
The secret of success is determination & perseverance.As life gets tougher,never say no when you mean to say yes to your dreams....Jacobs A.
99.9 percent possibility & not probability lies in giving without love but you can never love without giving,no matter how little it may be....Jacobs A.
If you look to others for fulfillment,you will never be fulfilled.If your happiness depends on money,you will never be happy with yourself.Be content with what you have;rejoice in the way things are.When you realise there is nothing lacking,the world belongs to you...-Lao Tzu.
You don't have to fight your foes with harsh words and weapons to win their heart.All you need do is to make them your friends and you have won the battle.....Jacobs A.
Refuse to sit when you are supposed to stand & keep forging ahead till what you aim is yours.But if you are to stand at all,prefer to stand for something & not for everything or nothing....Jacobs A.
When you watch without a vision & tarry in despair for things to happen,you may be depriving yourself the chance to make things happen....Jacobs A.
Whatever can't be cured must be endured,and the test of endurance lies in your steadfastness,perseverance,faith and in the sacrifice of your fears.....Jacobs A.
A life without love is indeed a waste of time and fate...Jacobs A.


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