Happy New Year Message!!!!!

Like the burning star in the street,
Waiting not to be slaughtered;
Without a skeptical shoe on our feet,
Our souls kept hoping to be watered.
Through the countdown of the year before,
We gradually knew what we were in for;
Though,we were sick in pain and lame,
Despair,fright,jeopardy were not in our box of aim.
The hurricane came with a husky song;
Afflictions jiggled us all;
But not for too long,
The locust of perfidy and perdition could not make us fall.
The needy felt the acrid agony;
We were swindled and left in swizz;
Hurray!!Then came the awaited symphony;
Blessings and bliss we have gained in the new year's breeze.
Without doubts in our mouths,
We know the Almighty made it so;
Like the sweet passions of the youth,
Truly,i am glad our God made us whole.
Centuries,we have not spent together;
As the world and families felicitate together;
To my dear friends,Happy Prosperous New Year!!!!


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