The Words Of Hope

In the shadows of the night,
Hearts are beating without a light;
Until the hour of destiny is right,
Marrows and minds will continue to fight.
The dawn of our souls may not be bright,
But beyond the height of a kite,
We can overshadow the throne of depravity,
And conquer the fray against enmity;
If only we can all live in peace
And share true love thicker than the volume of piss.
When the music of hurt displays eminence,
We ought not to salute its prominence;
Because so many like to weep in pain,
Thus,they delay the envoys of joy from sending their rain.
The innate beauty of love never fades;
It's might surpasses the combination of jades;
But because others are too blind to see,
They miss its bountiful bliss and purchase the left overs in the sea.
How sweet can life truly be,
When the offspring of agony continue to buzz like the bee?
You might have gambled them as you borrow;
But because your blood is still pumping,
Never despair,your plane of elation is still coming.
Open wide the arms of your mind to embrace love;
Without warranty,you will have no cause to regret as you love.
If you refuse to share a pinch of your inner salt,
Verily i say to you,never complain if your life is not sweet;
But as long as you share cheerfully from the heart,
Be rest assured that no erosion can sweep the blessings of your heart.
Others may be wailing in anguish,
But in love and faith in God,you will never know how to languish.
Never give up the fight,
And no spirit will steal your soul as you fight.
It is well!!!!!!


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