No matter how you look at your life,your story is better than another person's own.No one but you and your creator know what you have gone through and how you have been able to survive in the midst of harsh weather and tough circumstances.The scale of existence is big enough to measure the lifespan of everyone on earth,either old or young,wise or foolish,rich or poor and the host of others.The food we eat, the water we drink,the air we inhale,they are not the only essentials for existence.Our creeds,our values, our principles, our faith and sometimes, our will to live, are very important factors that sustain the thread of our lives from cutting.Our ego,our beauty,our status,our position in life,all are vanity but what we must cherish is the tendency to love our neighbors always.Nothing will happen to you unless you let it happen to you.You have the power,use it and be free.
70*7 times,a person must offend you before you refuse to forgive.I don't advice you hurt people but it's bound to happen somehow,anyhow,for no human is perfect.How hard can it be that you can't let go of the memories?We offend the creator & He forgives,who are we not to follow suit?The hard heart of man develops grudges & begets unwarranted enmity.In the midst of war lies peace,in the depth of disorder lies tranquility but nothing can't be overcomed.Expect the worse & prepare for the best.You can do it!
70*7 times,a person must offend you before you refuse to forgive.I don't advice you hurt people but it's bound to happen somehow,anyhow,for no human is perfect.How hard can it be that you can't let go of the memories?We offend the creator & He forgives,who are we not to follow suit?The hard heart of man develops grudges & begets unwarranted enmity.In the midst of war lies peace,in the depth of disorder lies tranquility but nothing can't be overcomed.Expect the worse & prepare for the best.You can do it!
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