Do you truly love people or do you just use them for your own ends?The answer is yours.Suffering is not suffering;pain is not pain for your definition of both may differ from mine due to experiences.You are you and i am me but we still remain humans till the end of time.The stronger you are, the harder your test in life.Our lives differ,our creeds differ but as long as you and i are here on earth,we will share pains together and no matter the weather.We are not enemies but suppose to be families, for what you are looking for is what i am also looking for.You have the blood i have,you have the flesh i have,we have the same creator but why can't we share love beyond borders?Help me pass the message:WITHOUT YOU,THERE CAN'T BE ME AND WITHOUT ME, THERE CAN'T BE YOU.You despise what i despise but the world has changed what we shared from the cradle of life.The world has put us asunder but i will hold your hands when you want to fall.You will always be right here in my heart.For what we still share(undiluted,unconditional love),the lord will bless us all as long as we care and fear the Creator.Amen.
Life is a theater of war.Soldiers are ample,spectators are plentiful but non is a General.Spiritual and physical weapons,tactics,strategies,hope,faith and love are the only leverage for survival.The more your indecision, the less you live;the more you embrace worthless passions,the closer your grave.The mind must be focused,the body must be alert,the soul must envisage the end and all together as one,must strive to conquer.Be angry but not sin.Start killing your fears before your fears start killing you.Remember the day you came to life:You brought nothing and you will return with nothing but all you have now,the lord gave them to you.Why close your fist against the needy?Anything and everything you can give but none except God,can take your life.Are you generous or do you mostly give to those who have something to give you back?Is your life an open book for others to read?So many questions we need to ask ourselves but because we are sheep that can't control our impulses,only the true shepherd can answer them for us.He is our creator and He knows us all.I have made Jesus the lord of my life,what about you?
Life is a theater of war.Soldiers are ample,spectators are plentiful but non is a General.Spiritual and physical weapons,tactics,strategies,hope,faith and love are the only leverage for survival.The more your indecision, the less you live;the more you embrace worthless passions,the closer your grave.The mind must be focused,the body must be alert,the soul must envisage the end and all together as one,must strive to conquer.Be angry but not sin.Start killing your fears before your fears start killing you.Remember the day you came to life:You brought nothing and you will return with nothing but all you have now,the lord gave them to you.Why close your fist against the needy?Anything and everything you can give but none except God,can take your life.Are you generous or do you mostly give to those who have something to give you back?Is your life an open book for others to read?So many questions we need to ask ourselves but because we are sheep that can't control our impulses,only the true shepherd can answer them for us.He is our creator and He knows us all.I have made Jesus the lord of my life,what about you?
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