Love, Come Let Us Prove!

Come, my love, let us prove,
While the sun still shines
the strengths of love;
For time isn't friend of ours.

Call to memory
our first gaze
you strewn my joy into space
I've since been expecting a windfall
Perhaps some drizzles
of your sweetness
from falling raindrops.

Let's not waste this light
For nigh is night
When we shall expense our might.

Do not wail over the sun set
For it shall rise again before us
But, if once we lose this light,
We shall meet at our bright spot
The fireplace where our hearts
First met with the throes of love.

Why should we defer our joys?
Glamour and glitz are but toys.
Shall we deny our eyes
These very special spices?
Shall I be committing a crime
Loving you with all my dime?

Cannot we delude our senses
Of a few cosy play in the moon?
Not minding the morons
That rumoured our escapades!

*** Copyright 2017 Salem  M.J. Hunjo ***


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